Who is a business advisor, coach, or consultant?

Who is a business advisor, coach, or consultant?



A business advisor, business consultant, or business coach is a professional specialized in the administrative, operational, and executive area of a company who has the experience and knowledge in one or more of the marketing, administrative, organizational, technological, functional, and productive fields of the different industries in an economy.

The business advisor is an expert in the logical, analytical, and practical connection of several components that a company governs. The business advisor constantly updates and combines global behavior, new techniques, and tools to strengthen and grow the global economy. Business coaches should be updating information from the exterior and interior of industry or industries because they need to help the business owner find solutions to implement. However, entrepreneurs must seek help before everything is late for their businesses.

The business advisor is a leader who participates in the constant evolution of a company's internal and external components (employees, employers, shareholders, managers, business owners). He contributes to the community and the integral development of all human resources in any society. 

According to John Behr and his article "5 Ways Organizations Can Get the Most Out of an Executive Advisor," the more an executive coach understands the organization, its values, history, leadership, and current challenges, the more effective will be their analysis and feedback. Therefore, it will be better if organizations do not limit their access to these business experts.

Many organizations outside the market offer those services to keep business owners updated and focused on accomplishing targets and goals. Although an entrepreneur needs a superpower to keep up with many transitions in a global market, a business coach would be helpful to keep a mind clear and oriented to develop strategies and achieve the performance needed. 

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